Daily Prompt: Decisions, Decisions

Daily Prompt: Decisions, Decisions
How are you more likely to make an important decision — by reasoning through it, or by going with your gut?

To wed or not to wed

For me, this is the biggest decisions I made so far. Why?

We started our relationship during college days (December 2003). That’s nine long years…
We come across different issues in life that make us stronger and united. And when time comes and you realized that s/he’s the one you want to spend your lifetime here on earth, well that definitely needs a decision… a mature one – to wed or not to wed.

In fact, we plan to have our wedding in December 12, 2012 or 12-12-12. But it turned out December 13, 2012 (peak season in Tagaytay Philippines). So what’s the catch?

If you plan to get marry, plan it with consideration of the following:
1. Budget for the wedding expenses
2. Readiness of both families
3. Readiness of the couple
4. Readiness for the responsibility of having your own family

Note that every wedding preparation encountered lots of hindrances that makes you think twice if you are really ready or you really want to continue (for me this issue is church or civil wedding). And same with the others, these obstacles area real pain in the neck!

Anyway, we agree and have our… what?!… Decisions of course!
Readiness of the couple – Ready and excited, yes!!!
Readiness of both families – yes
Readiness for the responsibility of having your own family – yes, maybe, we’ll cross the bridge when we get there… 😀
Budget for the wedding expenses – that’s the problem! Budget for clothes, ceremony and reception venue and fee, catering, flowers, sounds, and so on… as well with the difference of church and civil wedding…

So, all the reasons are laid and drawbacks too… again, – to wed or not to wed.

The result: we faced with the undying motto “we’ll cross the bridge when we get there” or “bahala na si batman” (hah! Not so mature). Anyway, we crossed it with flying colors. Thanks to the support of our families, friends and colleague. We celebrate our Church wedding. We are now Husband and Wife. And we will face our future together with our motto 😀

Click Newly weds for photos 🙂

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